I think every post I do I'm playing catch-up so in light of that ... here's a run down of a few things that have gone on in the Sharp family lately.
About a month ago Emmy started preschool It's co-op which means that I teach with 7 other mom's and we take turns. Emmy has loved it. She only goes twice a week but really loves all of her "school friends". I really enjoy teaching too although technically I've only taught once since my first time we did a field trip to an apple orchard. But it has been a great experience so far. So here are some pictures.
Emmy's first day of preschool she was so excited to use her pencil bag.
This was on our field trip to the orchard.
And this is Emmy and her very best friend Summer. They enjoy each other so much.
These pictures are from a family home evening we had and as you can tell the kids were engrossed. Daddy is always so on top of it with the visuals.

Emmy's 3rd birthday was on September 26, we made Mickey Mouse pancakes and Emmy got to eat on the "You are special" plate.

Cohen looks like he's giving a recognition glance here. "What mom?"